IGP Dampare ‘bribed’ some journalists to keep mute over leaked tape – Listowel Nana Poku

The Executive Director of Good Governance Advocacy Group Ghana (GGAGG), Listowel Nana Kusi-Poku has waded into the IGP Dr George Akuffo Dampare leaked audio.

Speaking on the matter on the Gumbe show on TV XYZ, the political analyst chastised IGP Dampare and accused him of paying bribes to journalists from some selected media houses to prevent them from discussing the matter on their platforms.

The leaked audio which has gone viral on social media alleges that there is a clandestine scheme by the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) to remove the Dr Akuffo Dampare from office before the 2024 elections.

The tape uncovered a plot involving a high-ranking police officer and a member of the New Patriotic Party, aimed at orchestrating the  removal the IGP to pave the way for the NPP to rig the elections.

There were other revelations about the activities of the IGP which negatively affects the credibility of the IGP.

Since the leaked tape got to the media space, Listowel said the IGP has tried to silent journalists who are loudmouths.

“Dampare met the journalists at the Officers Mess and gave out cash to them…My ears were there,” he alleged and said he was ready to defend his allegations anywhere.

Source: Myxyzonline.com

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