#FillGPLCentres: Make various stadia more than mere arenas for games – Sports Minister to NSA

Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif has urged the National Sports Authority (NSA) to create a friendly and safe environment for supporters to be able to attend Ghana Premier League games.

In recent times, musical concerts at the stadium have attracted more numbers than league games, which has become a worry.

The significant drop in the number of people who go to the stadium has been alarming leading to the Multimedia’s ‘#FillGPLCentres’ campaign at the tail end of the 2022/23 season.

People have cited insecurity and hooliganism as part of the reasons why they no more want to see games at the stadia. Others have also noted the poor state of the match centres as the cause.

Speaking at Joy Sports and Nhyira Sports’ mid-year thought leadership event, Ussif charged the NSA to make the centres more user-friendly.

“To the National Sports Authority, entrusted with the care of our stadiums, I urge you to transform these venues into more than mere arenas for watching games,” he said.

“Let us create family-friendly spaces where parents can bring their children to engage in sports and leisure activities. Safety must be paramount, and the stadium experience should be perceived as an exciting picnic, not a chore.”

The new Ghana Premier League season is set to begin in September with the Ghana Football Association (GFA) announcing the fixtures on Monday, July 31.

Source: Lawrence Degraft Baidoo

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