Ridge Hospital denies housing convicted fraudster for 2 months

The management of the Greater Accra Regional Hospital has denied reports that the facility housed a fraudster, who is supposed to be serving a 15-year jail term for two months.

Explaining what occurred in a press release, Ridge Hospital indicated that the convict, David Aseye Tay after falling ill was referred from the Nsawam Prison Clinic and subsequently admitted to the Greater Accra Regional Hospital on June 23, 2023.

The hospital stated that “he required a series of surgical procedures, for which he was duly admitted to the hospital.”

Ridge Hospital indicated that contrary to the reports, the convict was discharged and sent back into police custody less than a month after his treatment.

“The said patient was discharged on July 21, 2023, after spending a total of 28 days on admission. It is important to highlight that our hospital utilises electronic records systems, ensuring that patients’ medical records are kept in real time. These records can be readily verified,” the management stated.

This comes after reports surfaced that a prison convict had been living in luxury at the Ridge Hospital for almost two months, while faking an illness, despite being sentenced to serve 15 years at the Nsawam Maxim Prison.

The reports alleged that Mr Tay was living a comfortable life at the hospital, receiving visits from family members and friends and occasionally returning home to be with his wife and family.

But the hospital says the initial media reports on the incident are not only false but also unfortunate, adding that a check with the system can prove the same.

“We are fully open to having any suspicions or doubts regarding this matter verified by the necessary legal authority. The doors of the Greater Accra Regional Hospital are always open for such verifications.”

The case

David Aseye Tay was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment after he was convicted on 23 charges of defrauding by false pretense, amounting to over $6 million sometime in the last week of May 2023.

His sentence came after he admitted to having, in 2018, through dubious means, collected petroleum products from a licensed Bulk Distribution Company (BDC), Misyl Energy Company Ltd., who are importers of finished petroleum products owned by Dr. Nick Danso Adjei.

Mr Tay was found guilty on all counts, which include defrauding by false pretence, issuance of false cheques, and money laundering, among others after more than a two-year trial at the Criminal Division of the High Court in Accra, presided over by Justice Lydia Osei Marfo.

In a trial, which was SUIT NO.CR/0140/2020, THE REPUBLIC VRS. DAVID ASEYE TAY, the judge as part of the ruling on the case gave an ORDER OF RESTITUTION.

The orders meant all the properties the accused acquired from the funds he accumulated from the products he took from Misyl Energy Company are to be taken over by the complainant company and sell to defray part of the cost.

The Restitution Orders given by the Court covered some houses, and cars as identified in Accra.  Additionally, the court authorized the seizure and sale of a G&G operating license worth GH₵1.3 million, as well as seven fuel stations located across Ghana.

Mr. Aseye Tay, who is known in his circles as a tough guy and was described as “one living like a spoilt prince” by the judge delivering her judgement, is alleged to be able to find his way out of trouble but this time around could not escape from the law when he was put before the Criminal Division of the High Court in Accra, presided over by Justice Lydia Osei Marfo.

Source: : MyJoyOnline.com

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