Remove all Alan posters in the region – Ashanti Regional NPP orders Constituency Chairmen

The leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Ashanti Region has directed all regional chairpersons in the 47 constituencies to promptly remove all posters, banners, and other campaign materials associated with the former Trade and Industry Minister, Alan Kyerematen, from their party offices.

According to the party, the former flagbearer aspirant is no longer with the party hence anything associated with him should be discarded.

In a memorandum dated September 25, 2023, and signed by Mr Bernard Antwi Boasiako, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP, addressed to all constituency chairpersons in the Ashanti Region, the party emphasized that Mr. Kyerematen’s promotional materials no longer hold relevance within the party offices due to his resignation.

“In view of Hon. Alan Kyerematen’s resignation from the party, all his posters, banners, flyers and paraphernalia at our party offices in all the constituencies must be removed with immediate effect. Once he has forfeited his membership, it is just right and fair that these items are removed from our offices” the memo signed by Mr Bernard Antwi Boasiako read.

Relatedly, Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe has said that Alan Kyeremanten should have resigned from the party long ago.

In an interview on Eyewitness News with Citi FM, Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe expressed his belief that Kyerematen’s chances of winning the 2024 elections as an independent candidate are slim and that his timing for the resignation was inappropriate.

Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe contended that Kyerematen’s lengthy tenure in the Akufo-Addo government could hinder his aspirations of becoming a president as an independent candidate.

Alan Kyeremanteng

“Winning an election as an independent candidate will be a huge problem for Alan because all the appeals that he has made particularly to the youth will not wash and the reason is quite simple. He has been with the Akufo-Addo’s government for almost seven years and the time that Alan should have left that government, he didn’t.

“Alan should have left the government particularly when he realised the rot going on in the party and that would have automatically turned him into a leader in the future but he didn’t do that.”

Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe also criticized the current state of affairs within the NPP and its leadership. He expressed his opinion that the party has deviated from its founding principles, allowing various negative elements to flourish.

Alan Kyerematen on Monday, September 25, resigned from the New Patriotic Party to contest as an Independent Candidate.

Source: Evans Annang

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