Perez Chapel declares 1-week fast against Nogokpo threat

Following the 14-day ultimatum issued by the traditional leaders of Nogokpo to the founder of Perez Chapel International, Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, the church has declared a one-week fast and prayer, a move that appears to signify the start of spiritual warfare.

The Presiding Bishop of Perez Chapel International, Benjamin Ohene Aboagye made the declaration on Sunday, June 4, 2023. According to him, the church has decided to lean on God to fight the battle for it and its leader.

“On the 25th of last month, during our Supernatural Empowerment Summit, Archbishop Charles Agyinasare made a statement concerning the Nogokpo issue. I think we are all aware of the issue in Ghana. It is trending on social media and other platforms. We, the Perez Council, on behalf of the Executive Council, have taken notice of all these things and this is what the Executive Council is saying. We are declaring a one-week fast from the 5th to the 11th of this month, and we expect all pastors, elders, deacons, deaconesses, and all our churches to participate in this fast for one week. We believe that God is our helper. He is our rock. He is the one we look up to. So this is the decision we have taken for now. We expect everyone [in all our branches] to take part in this fast,” the senior pastor said.

The fearsome town in the Volta Region where a thunder god of justice is harboured was upset about a comment by the man of God labelling the area as the “demonic headquarters” of the region.

Archbishop Agyinasare made the controversial comment on May 25 while delivering a sermon to a large congregation.

“During this crusade in Aflao, we slept at Agbozume, that was where our hotel was, and you must go through Nogokpo. And Nogokpo is the demonic headquarters in the Volta Region.

“We only have not said it but the second night I made Bishop Yaw Adu talk about witchcraft and we disgraced the witches and wizards.

“When we were driving from Aflao to Agbozume, immediately we got to Nogokpo, Bishop Yaw Adu’s four-wheel drive, the tyre came out from under the car,” Agyin-Asare recounted while preaching to a huge congregation.

A video of the sermon went viral on social media and sparked angry reactions, compelling him to clarify in subsequent preaching that he did not mean any malice, and that he was taken out of context.

He added that his wife is from the Volta Region, so he would not intentionally disrespect the people of the region.

However, the traditional leaders would not have any of that. They want a one-on-one peace talk with Archbishop Agyin-Asare to voice out their concerns and educate him on what Nogokpo stands for.

“We the chiefs and people of Nogokpo give Archbishop Charles Agyin-Asare a 14-day ultimatum to meet us in person for a peace talk,” the chiefs said at a press conference on Friday, June 2, 2023.

With the declaration of the fast and prayer by the church, it remains to be seen if Archbishop Agyinasare will honour the invitation by Nogokpo traditional leaders who have threatened to invoke the wrath of their gods.



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