Naabu gate: IGP Dampare interdicts COP Alex Mensah and 2 others over leaked tape

The Inspector General of Police (IGP), George Akuffo Dampare has interdicted three officers for their involvement in a viral leaked tape which seeks to oust him from office.

The officers are Director General Technical of the Ghana Police Service, Commissioner of Police (COP) Alex George Mensah, Supt. George Lysander Asare and Emmanuel Gyebi.

The officers are being investigated by Parliament for their roles in a tape in which former NPP Northern Regional Chairman, Bugri Naabu disclosed he recorded secretly.

A press release signed by the Director of Public Affairs, ASP Grace Ansah-Akrofi, said “The interdiction is to make way for disciplinary proceedings into their conduct in line with Police Service regulations.”

Earlier, there was a police wireless message signed by the Police Director General of Administration, Christian Tetteh Yohonu, explaining that the interdiction of COP George Alex Mensah, which takes immediate effect, is for the officer’s involved in the leaked tape saga.

It directed COP Alex Mensah to “hand over your weapons, uniform and other police accoutrements and/or properties including your authority badge to Depol/Logistics.”

The embattled officer who said Dr Akuffo Dampare is the worst ever the country has ever had in his 31 years of service was also directed to “hand over the command vehicle.”


On July 25, the Speaker of Parliament named Abuakwa South MP, Samuel Atta-Akyea as the chairperson of a seven-member ad-hoc committee to probe leaked controversial audio in which voices are heard clandestinely plotting to oust the IGP.

The viral audio, which revealed a supposed conspiracy by a senior police officer and a leading member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) to remove Dr Affo Dampare from office, resulted in a debate on the floor of Parliament, with the Minority calling for a forensic audit.

COP Alex Mensah’s voice was heard on a secret recording telling Bugri Naabu about how IGP Dampare’s actions might lead to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) losing the 2024 election.

Subsequently, the Speaker proposed the setting up of the Special Committee and directed the committee to submit its report by September 10, 2023.

On August 28, Bugri Naabu disclosed to the committee that he recorded the plot to remove the IGP so that he could play it for President Akufo-Addo to decide adding that his only interest was protecting the party.

Plot to remove IGP: I recorded the tape to play it to Akufo-Addo – Bugri Naabu

However, COP Alex Mensah said he went to see Mr Naabu because he learned he was looking for a replacement for the IGP.

COP Alex Mensah told the committee that his visit to Mr Naabu’s office was due to the supposed search for a new top officer.

“The purpose of Mr Bugri Naabu inviting me was that one of my boys, the police officers, had gone to tell him that if they are looking for a new Inspector General of Police, then the man that he thinks can do the job and do it well is Commissioner George Alex Mensah.

“And Bugri Naabu said ‘Oh is that so, then bring him and let me see him’, That was why I ended up at Bugri Naabu’s office.”

The officer further expressed the source of his belief that Bugri Naabu could aid his efforts to lead the police service.

“I had [belief] because I knew or I have heard his name when it comes to NPP party circles, that he was a former chairman, he’s a friend of the president so once my boy told me that the man says he’s ready to recommend me but he wants to see me, I said why not. If somebody wants to see you not for a bad thing but a good thing, I will go,” he added.

COP Alex Mensah made a number of admissions before the committee.

He revealed his displeasure with the work of the current Inspector General of Police.

COP George Alex Mensah said Dr George Akuffo Dampare is the worst the country has ever had.

According to him, with Dr Dampare at the helm of affairs of the police administration, the Service is headed in the wrong direction.

COP Alex Mensah said he has told the IGP this in his face on “several occasions.”

He disclosed that a majority of police are unhappy with Dampare and it could affect NPP’s fortunes in 2024 elections.

On his part, Supt. George Asare corroborated some statements made by COP Mensah concerning the IGP and how he is running the Service.

When pushed further, he said he would rather disclose them in camera.

He backed earlier testimonies that the leaked tape, which is central to the case had been doctored.

Supt Asare said the tape that has been leaked to the public is incomplete and has been edited by the persons behind it.

According to him, there are a lot of things that were said in the tape that have been cut out for purposes only known to the masterminds.

“Honourable chair in my earlier comments to the committee, it was clear that the tape is incomplete and whoever masterminded that tape which of course you will get to know by the close of day if not today, but I don’t know when the in-camera engagement will take place but before I sign out, you will understand everything.”

Source: Abubakar Ibrahim

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