‘I’ll ban sports betting if I become president; it’s for lazy people’ – Hassan Ayariga

Founder and leader of the All People’s Congress (APC), Hassan Ayariga, has revealed his intention to ban sports betting if he’s elected president.

According to him, betting is for lazy people and must not be encouraged among the Ghanaian youth, who he believes must channel their energies towards better things.

The 51-year-old politician has been seeking to lead Ghana since 2012 and is gearing up to once again contest in next year’s presidential elections.

Asked about his opinion on sports betting, Ayariga said gambling and betting were for lazy people and he’d ban it if he became president.

“I will cancel betting [if I become president] because betting is an avenue for lazy people. Why do you bet? Because they have no jobs,” he said on 3FM.

“I will cancel betting, [and make it] illegal in my country. What do you mean by betting when I need young people like them to sit behind computers and design things and build a country where we have the highest technology in Ghana and the world?”

The betting industry in Ghana has seen tremendous growth in the last decade, leading to many betting companies setting up shop in the country.

In recent years, sports betting has often divided opinion among Ghanaians, with some quarters highlighting its negative effects on the youth, including addiction.

Sports betting

Others also believe betting is legal and a legitimate way of making money, and therefore cannot be described as a bad practice when no laws are broken.

Meanwhile, in August, the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) officially implemented a 10% withholding tax on all betting, games and lottery wins.

This followed the government’s decision to amend the Tax Act, therefore, introducing withholding tax on winnings from sports betting and lottery.


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