If it’s about who votes for me, I shouldn’t be here – Akufo-Addo tells Akosombo Dam spillage victims

President Nana Akufo-Addo has subtly attacked Voltarians again as he visited the victims of the Akosombo Dam spillage at Mepe in the Volta Region.

Stirring a controversy that has got most Ghanaians talking on social media, President Akufo-Addo reminded the frustrated inhabitants of Southern Volta that he would not have visited to sympathise with them if he were to focus on their voting pattern which always favours the opposition NDC.

“I came here because Ghanaians are having difficulties and are suffering, and it is my responsibility to try and help. Because, if it is a question of counting who votes for me and who doesn’t vote for me, then I shouldn’t be here, because you don’t vote for me. But that is not my concern. And, in any event, one day you will vote for me and my party,” Akufo-Addo said when addressing some affected victims at Mepe as part of his tour of the area.

The flooding caused by the spillage from the Akosombo and Kpong hydro dams has forced many communities in the North, South, and Central Tongu districts of the Volta region to evacuate to other safe areas.

Already, the government has established an inter-ministerial committee to coordinate how government agencies, including the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), can respond to the tragedy.

President Akufo-Addo, during his visit on Monday, assured that government is going to do everything in its power to make sure the situation is resolved.

“My visit here is a very simple one. It is to come and sympathise and commiserate with you about the tragedy that has occurred,” he added.

Akufo-Addo also noted that nine safe havens have been established in Mepe for those displaced to ensure their safety, adding that all the victims in the shelters have been provided relief items by NADMO.

The Volta River Authority (VRA) commenced the spillage of excess water on September 15, due to rising levels of the Akosombo and Kpong hydro dams.

While the current inflow to the reservoir is pegged at 400,000 cubic feet of water per second, the authority says it is spilling just about 183,000 cubic feet of water, and they cannot ascertain when the spilling exercise will be over.

Source: Myxyzonline.com

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