I don’t buy the view that we should have suspended 6 March celebration – Ahiagbah

The Director of Communications for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Mr Richard Ahiagbah has said he does not support the point that this year’s Independence Day celebration should have been suspended.

He said the annual observance reminds Ghanaians of their sacrifice and responsibility.

“I don’t buy the view that we should have suspended 6 March. It reconnects us with the inspiration of our forebears to liberate this land from colonial rule. Its annual observance reminds us of the sacrifice & responsibility to add to the legacy. It’s worth it!” Mr Ahiagbah tweeted.

It is recalled that the General Secretary of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Nana Yaa Jantuah called for a boycott of the celebration.

She stated that at 66 years, Ghana cannot buy vaccines for children.

“What kind of independence do we have when Ghana is going back to her protegee?” She quizzed

Nana Yaa emphasized on the 3FM Sunrise show Monday March 6 that “Today should be a day of sober reflection instead of funfair. Why is it that today that we don’t have money, and you are spending little to refurbish the stadium for independence day celebration?”

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on the occasion of the Independence Day said that when he assumed office on 7th January 2017, he inherited a severely-challenged economy, whose rate of growth, at the time, was the lowest in over two decades.

But, he said, by dint of hard work, prudence and creativity, the government has managed to turn things around, creating an economy which, for the years 2017, 2018, and 2019, the years before the onset of COVID-19, was amongst the fastest growing economies not only in Africa, but also in the world, recording an annual Gross Domestic Growth (GDP) growth rate of seven percent (7%).

He said “We were the best place to do business in West Africa, and, in 2021, we were described as the most attractive destination for investment in West Africa.

“The next twenty-two (22) months of my mandate will be focused on restoring the economy we had before COVID and the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the period of rapid growth. It is a solemn pledge I am making to you, my fellow Ghanaians, and one which I am determined to fulfill. Before I take my seat, I want to inform you that, in fulfilment of the announcement I made at last year’s Founders’ Day Celebration, I will, on Tuesday, 14th March 2023, confer national honours on some citizens of our country, who distinguished themselves in the fight against the pandemic of COVID-19. By their actions, they helped protect and preserve our population, and won global acclaim for Mother Ghana.

“I will, also, on that day, express the nation’s gratitude to the legal team of men and women who were charged with ensuring that the maritime boundary dispute with Ghana’s immediate, western neighbors, the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, ended favorably for Ghana, thus ensuring that our western maritime resources, including their potential oil and gas reserves, remained legitimately in our possession.

“I am sure we all saw the three (3) helicopters belonging to the Police Service joining this morning’s celebration. It is the first time in our nation’s history that the Police Service is employing the use of helicopters to improve its operational efficiency.

“The acquisition of these helicopters is to honour the pledge I made at the 2019 end of year Police WASSA, and I assure the officers, men and women of the Service of Government’s continued support in helping them to discharge effectively their mandate.”

Source: By Laud Nartey

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