EC won’t be able to meet Limited voter registration target

The Electoral Commission (EC) is not likely to cover all 1,350,000 persons targeted for registration in the ongoing limited voter registration exercise.

The Chairperson of the EC, Jean Mensa said the Commission’s immediate focus was to register 52 per cent of the targeted population by the end of the 21-day exercise which started on Tuesday, September 12.

Speaking to Journalists at the Let the Citizens Know series on Monday, 18 September 2023, Madam Mensa, however, explained the target had been revised downwards, and all eligible persons would have the opportunity to be registered before the 2024 general election.

Mrs Mensa disclosed that the EC would undertake a continuous registration exercise at all its district offices in 2024 for all eligible Ghanaians to be captured in the poll book.

Again, she said after the current exercise, there would be a mop-up registration for persons in hard-to-reach areas.

The EC started the limited voter registration exercise on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, in line with Article 45 of the 1992 Constitution.

The aim of the limited registration exercise is to capture persons who turned 18 years old since the last registration in 2020 as well as other eligible persons who had not previously registered with the EC.

The voter registration, which is expected to end on October 2, is being conducted in the 268 district offices of the commission across the country.


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