Ayawaso West Wuogon violence: I’ll ensure next NDC govt enforces Emile Short report – Sam George

The Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Samuel Nartey George, says he will ensure that the next administration of the National Democratic Congress prosecutes persons responsible for the violence that marred the Ayawaso Wuogon by-elections.

The legislator bemoans what he argues is the failure of President Akufo-Addo to enforce the recommendations of the Emil Short Commission of Enquiry, which investigated the violence.

Speaking in an interview with Umaru Sanda Amadu on Eyewitness News on Citi TV on Wednesday, Samuel Nartey George said persons deserving of compensation would also be duly compensated.

“In 2020, when the NDC manifesto was being drafted, I made presentations to the manifesto committee. In that People’s Manifesto, it was captured under our justice and law section of the manifesto that the next NDC government under John Dramani Mahama would have sought justice in terms of prosecution and compensation for persons affected by justice in the Emile Short report. Unfortunately, John Mahama did not win the 2020 elections.

“The same petition and prayer would be made to the manifesto committee that is working to include the same in the 2024 manifesto. And God help us to win power in 2025, I will be on the neck of His Excellency the President and whoever will be the Attorney General to ensure enforcement of the recommendations in the Emile Short Commission report, seek justice from those who have offended and breached the laws of our land, and compensations for those for whom it is due. The five who were typically assaulted and the three whose business or property was damaged,” he said.

Source: Bervelyn Longdon

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