Avoid appointments that give impression of jobs for boys and girls – Joyce Bawa Morgtari tells Akufo-Addo

A Special Aide to former President John Dramani Mahama has also berated Nana Akufo-Addo for appointing a supposedly known New Patriotic Party (NPP) activist to the Electoral Commission’s board. 

With this appointment, Madam Bawah Mortari said President Akufo-Addo is neutralising the independence of the EC. 

According to her, the President has turned the Electoral Commission into a place for NPP foot soldiers. 

Contributing to a panel discussion on TV3 on Thursday, March 23, Madam Bawah bemoaned the negative impact such appointments can have on the public confidence in electoral management body. 

“There is a good reason why the Electoral Commission is given good protection and the independence that is required to undertake its duties and obligations as an arbiter of very sensitive elections across the world. 

“There is also a good reason why we talk about neutrality of our arbiters. We also need to demand sanctity of these institutions because it is the sanctity that guarantees their independence. 

“We also need to avoid appointments that give the impression of going up there to pick up jobs for boys and girls. 

“The appointment of this gentleman who we all know as a patron of TESCON is in itself an opportunity to bring in a foot soldier to advocate and lead government mouthpieces within the Electoral Commission,” she said. 

Mr. Mahama’s Special Aide thus called on Ghanaians to rise and speak up against the move by President Akufo-Addo. 

“So as we talk about transparency and accountability, we also need to talk about the creeping state capture of some sort and to literally polarise and dilute the independence of our state institutions. 

President Akufo-Addo in line with Article 43 (1 and 2) of the 1992 Constitution swore in three new members of the Electoral Commission (EC) governing board on Monday, March 20.

The three included Rev. Akua Ofori Boateng Salima, Ahmed Tijani, and Dr Peter Appiahene.

However, following that, pictures and videos have since gone viral alleging in particular that Dr Peter Appiahene is a popular activist of the NPP and has been engaged in TESCON activities at the University of Energy and Natural Resources.

This has led to widespread condemnation by some political activists and groups. 

Due to this, former President John Dramani Mahama has promised to amend Article 43(2) of the 1992 Constitution if re-elected president in the 2024 general election. 

According to him, this amendment will provide for parliamentary approval of new commissioners to the EC. 

“Of course, the appointments of known party activists onto the Electoral Commission by our current President may require an amendment of Article 43(2), to provide for parliamentary approval of new commissioners to the Commission. 

“Let me assure you once again, I remain committed to these reforms,” he said. 

Source: Ernest Arhinful   

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