Akufo-Addo’s government is the worse in Ghana’s history – KKD

Popular Ghanaian broadcaster Kwasi Kyei Darkwah, also known as KKD, has swiped at the Akufo-Addo government for various infractions.

Speaking on Dwaboase on TV XYZ, the brands expert put it bluntly that President Akufo-Addo has lowered the standards of governance in the country which he stressed has had a negative effect on the economy and the citizens.

He said the appointees of the current government under Akufo-Addo have become exactly the opposite of what they harshly criticised while in opposition, adding that deceit has become the order of the day.

KKD was reacting to the corruption-related issue that triggered the resignation of Cecelia Dapaah as the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources.

Madam Dapaah has been in the news recently after reports made the rounds that huge sums of money had been stolen from her bedroom by her domestic workers.

President Akufo-AddoKKD, Kwasi Kyei Darkwah, XYZ, Power FM

The said monies, $1 million, €300k and millions of cedis, according to the Chronicle newspaper, were allegedly stolen from the top politician’s house at Abelemkpe, a suburb of Accra, in the Greater Accra region.

Kwasi Kyei Darkwah believes there are other politicians in the government who have stashed money in their bedrooms like Cecilia Dapaah because corruption has been normalised under the Akufo-Addo government.

He wondered where Cecilia Dapaah got those monies from and urged the Office of the Special Prosecutor to thoroughly investigate the matter.

KKD told host Prince Minkah that he was disappointed in President Akufo-Addo for accepting the resignation of Dapaah at a time she should have been investigated. He also hastened that the president’s conduct showed that corruption has become a normal phenomenon in his government, making it the worse in Ghana’s history.

“This is the worse government ever in the history of my motherland Ghana,” he fumed while recounting how Akufo-Addo chastised the Mahama administration for far lesser sins.

“Before this government, Ghanaians were angry about the corruption we were witnessing; we saw doves fly and we didn’t like it because the opulence was unprecedented; Ghanaians got angry because someone in power had given his brother lucrative contracts but today we are seeing worse,” KKD lamented.

Source: Myxyzonline.com

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