16 NPP thugs arrested for invading UTV convicted and fined GH¢2,400 each

The 16 irate youths who were arrested by the police identifying with the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for invading the studios of Accra-based UTV, belonging to the Despite Media Group, in search of political activist A-Plus have been convicted and sentenced to a fine of 200 penalty units each by the Achimota Magistrate Court.

They were charged for being on the premises for unlawful purpose and arraigned before court on October 16, 2023. They pleaded guilty to the charges and were subsequently convicted by the court.

200 penalty units translate to an estimated GHc2,400 each in legal terms.

The irate youth delayed the airing of the popular show – United Showbiz – saying A Plus, real name Kwame Obeng Asare, who is a regular pundit on the show, has shown gross disrespect to the NPP by tearing apart on set a letter from the party raising concerns about the show.

According to the youth, the programme has become political.

The leader of the group that invaded the studio on Saturday evening, October 7, 2023, said they want the popular highlife singer, A-Plus, to apologize for his actions on air.

The police intervened and arrested 16 of the thugs.

It later emerged that the thugs were led by the Klottey Korle Youth Organizer of the NPP, under the orders of Ernest Owusu Bempah, a Deputy Director of Communications and other leading figures of the party.

The group were ordered by the Court to sign a bond of good behavior’s on Monday, October 16, 2023.


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