‘I am full of demons if you claim pork is possessed’ – Sefa Kayi to Sonnie Badu [VIDEO]

Ghanaian media personality Kwami Sefa Kayi has disagreed with recent claims made by Rockhill Chapel leader Reverend Sonnie Badu against the consumption of pork

According to him, he would probably be the warehouse of demons if it were to be true that eating pork causes a person to be possessed demonically.

“On the flipside it has been reported that Sonnie Badu says those who eat pork will have demons attacking them at midnight. I don’t know if he actually said it. Sonnie Badu, wherever you are it is being reported that you claim demons will possess those of us who eat pork? If that’s the case I must be full of it,” he stated on the Wednesday, February 23, 2023, amidst laughter.

Sonnie Badu who is widely known as a gospel singer has recently been in the news following his open advocacy against pork consumption.

According to him, pork is an unclean food that opens one up to demonic attacks and possession.

“When the devil wants to get through to you, they must first test your spiritual appetite. The number one way through which witches invade bodies is food. Also, the bible declares that some animals are unclean. What do you think an unclean animal is? In order words, when that unclean animal is found in you spiritually, it gives the witch quick access to jump in.

“Anything that has pork, pork is unclean! Even when you go to the Chinese restaurant and they ask for your order and you say pork, they keep asking you just to be sure, because they are aware of the kind of animal you are requesting to have,” he stressed.

Touching on how demons usually operate on victims who consume unclean foods, he said,

“Once the demons discover that you have eaten something unclean, your spirit automatically gets subdued. Once you go to bed, they come, because you gave them access.”

He has sought to ground his argument in teachings of the Bible, however, some of his critics say Jesus according to the New Testament sanctified all things including pork for human consumption.


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