Anger in Tuabodom as Techiman North DCE allegedly stops NDC MP from installing traffic light

There is confusion in Tuobodom in the Techiman North District of the Bono East Region following an attempt by the District Chief Executive of the area to allegedly stop the National Democratic Congress’ Member of Parliament from installing traffic light in the area.

Some aggrieved supporters of the Member of Parliament for Techiman North Constituency, Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare confronted the District Chief Executive over his attempt to frustrate the installation of the new traffic light in the district capital.

It took the timely intervention of the District Police Command to restore calm in the town.

The Techiman North MP, Madam Ofusu-Adjare has been championing the installation of new traffic light in Tuobodom as a campaign promise prior to the 2020 general elections.

She was prevented from entering the Tuobodom township by the DCE, Everson Addo-Donkor, who blocked the road and ordered the police not to grant access for the contractor to undertake the traffic light installation.

Some youth in an interview with JoyNews‘ correspondent, Anass Sabit did not take this lightly as they accused Mr Addo-Donkor of preventing developmental projects in the area.

“It was during the year 2020 that she promised us that she will install new traffic lights. We are all compassionate and have agreed to the installation of the traffic lights because we’ve realised that vehicles have been knocking down our brothers and sisters and so we believe that the traffic light will help the Tuobodom township and prevent such incidents.

“But you the DCE, if you say you will not allow for the installation of the traffic light because your party is in power and you’re fighting for leadership with the opposition party, then you don’t have the interest of the town at heart.”

Following this, the aggrieved youth vowed to resist any attempt by the DCE and the NPP’s intimidation tactics to stop the Techiman MP from undertaking the project.

Police block road to prevent the contractor from installing the traffic lights

The youth maintained that Madam Ofusu-Adjare has their full support to install the new traffic light in the area.

“She has already brought the traffic lights and it is not just for Techiman North, so what have you [DCE] seen that you are preventing them and saying you want to undertake your own project?

“But as far as we’re constituents, we will not allow the NPP government to infringe on our rights.”

Another youth stated that “Just recently, a car knocked down someone here, so I want to ask the DCE whether he wants the development of the town or wants to do politics because everybody wants development so I will plead with the DCE that we should live in peace in order to develop the town.”

To this end, the Techiman North MP described the actions of the DCE as unfortunate and appealed to President Akufo-Addo to call him to order.

Techiman North MP, Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare

She asserted that “it is the safety and security of the people in Tuobodom that we’re looking for. It is not politics everyday, sometimes we must think of development. The traffic lights are being sponsored by the government of Ghana so what is the fight.”

“It was the Minister for Roads and Highways that we appealed to him and he agreed to the installation of these traffic lights. What is he fighting about? It is much ado about nothing,” Madam Ofosu-Adjare said.

She noted that the police district command has taken up the case and will allow for the installation of the traffic lights.

“He called the District commander to come and make sure that everybody goes back. The District commander, a leveled-headed policeman allowed all of us to come and said he is keeping the machines so that tomorrow, they can come and install.”

Source: Prince Adu-Owusu

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